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3 stories in this thread

17:30 on July 9 2014

Justin Bieber -- Cops Plea Deal in Egging Case

TMZJustin Bieber's criminal vandalism case is over before it even began, because TMZ has learned Justin has copped a plea.Sources connected to the case tell TMZ ...Justin... more info
21:55 on July 9 2014

Justin Bieber -- Why I Copped a Plea ... News Conference [LIVE]

TMZJustin Bieber's lawyers are expected to explain why they copped a plea in the egging case.TMZ broke the story ... Justin has pled no contest to misdemeanor vandalism.  H... more info
22:35 on July 9 2014

Justin Bieber -- Plea Deal Requires ANGER MANAGEMENT

TMZJustin Bieber is required to take anger management classes as part of his plea bargain in the egging case ... and he has to pay his neighbor a fortune.Justin's lawyer was... more info


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