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3 stories in this thread

20:04 on April 8 2013

Kid Rock Selling Tour Tickets For $20

411 ManiaHe's taking a pay cut... more info
23:05 on April 8 2013

Kid Rock Selling Concert Tickets for $20! (And More Importantly, Beer for Only $4!)

E! OnlineKid Rock is one rockin' recessionista. (That's a sentence we never thought we'd write, but there it is.) When the musician sets out for his tour this summer with ZZ Top,... more info
00:36 on April 9 2013

Kid Rock Announces Plans For Budget-friendly Tour

ContactMusicKid Rock is set to take a hefty pay cut this summer (13) after unveiling plans to charge fans just $20 (£12.50) to attend dates on his new U.S.... more info


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