Incarcerated rapper to be 'disciplined' after unauthorised headphones and MP3 player were found in his cellEven behind bars, Lil Wayne can't catch a break. The incarcerated rapper has reportedly been caught with a contraband MP3 player inside Rikers Island prison.Weezy's secret jams were discovered during a routine search on Tuedsay morning, when officials found unauthorised headphones and the charger for an MP3 player hidden in his dustbin. "We found the items wrapped in an aluminum potato chip...
ContactMusic — LIL WAYNE's love of music has landed him trouble behind bars - guards have reportedly discovered "contraband" including iPod earphones and a charger in his cell.The... more info
Starpulse — Lil Wayne's love of music has landed him trouble behind bars - guards have reportedly discovered "contraband" including iPod earphones and a charger in his cell. The hi... more info News — Lil Wayne has been reprimanded for having an MP3 player in prison, it’s claimed. The rapper reportedly had a watch which doubled as a music device with headphones. A... more info
Perez Hilton — But it's not as bad as you think!
The currently incarcerated Lil Wayne was busted on Tuesday as a guard found a charger and ear phones for a watch that also functions as... more info
Guardian Music — Incarcerated rapper to be 'disciplined' after unauthorised headphones and MP3 player were found in his cellEven behind bars, Lil Wayne can't catch a break. The incarcerat... more info News — 'You lose some 'good time,' ' our source at Rikers Island says of contraband found in Wayne's cell.By Shaheem Reid, with additional reporting by Sway Calloway and Rahman ... more info News — 'No one knew [he was here] until it was time for him to leave,' our Rikers Island source says.By Jayson Rodriguez, with reporting by Sway Calloway and Rahman Dukes
L... more info
The Mirror — Lil Wayne could face discipline in jail after officers found a charger and headphones for a digital music player stashed in a crisps bag in his cell. more info News — Diddy wasn’t recognised by prison guards when he went to visit Lil Wayne in prison yesterday, it’s been revealed. A source at the rapper’s Rikers Island Prison t... more info