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4 stories in this thread

16:01 on April 19 2010

Nick Cannon - Pizza Queen Mariah Carey

ContactMusicNick Cannon and Mariah Carey love making pizza together.The couple - who celebrate their second wedding anniversary later this month - love to bond in the kitchen... more info
18:51 on April 19 2010

Mariah Carey And Nick Cannon Love Making Pizzas

AngryApeThe singer is a great cook apparently more info
00:30 on April 20 2010

Nick Cannon Tries To Convince The World Mimoo Cooks Her Own Meals!

Perez HiltonHa! It's no secret that Mariah Carey likes a hearty meal, but Nick Cannon is delusional if he thinks we'll buy for a SECOND that his wifey cooks them herself! He says: "M... more info
05:04 on April 20 2010

Mariah Carey Cooks For Herself?

411 ManiaSo says her husband... more info


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