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9 stories in this thread

16:04 on August 2 2012

Cops Called to Miley Cyrus' Home in 'Swatting' Prank

411 ManiaA prank call... more info
11:11 on August 2 2012

Miley Cyrus - Miley Cyrus' Home Targeted In 911 Hoax

ContactMusicMiley Cyrus fell victim to a nasty hoax after cops received a prank call warning of a shooting at the young stars home Emergency services received a 911 call on Wednesday... more info
16:14 on August 2 2012

Miley Cyrus - Miley Cyrus House Raid A Prank: She Was In Philly Walking The Dog With Fiance Liam

ContactMusicMiley Cyrus home has become the victim of a hoax 911 call after pranksters reported an attack on the house The Los Angeles Police Department were quick to respond to the ... more info
18:00 on August 2 2012

Miley Cyrus - Armed Police Called To Miley Cyrus' Home

ContactMusicArmed police were called to Miley Cyrus home after an intruder was reported Los Angeles police received a call yesterday 01 08 12 which claimed Mileys home had been broke... more info
16:25 on August 3 2012

Miley Cyrus - Miley Cyrus' Home A Victim Of Swatting Prank

ContactMusicMiley Cyrus got a shock when police fire and rescue squads raided her house in Los Angeles after responding to an alleged report of a home invasion However worry not abou... more info
12:23 on August 2 2012

Police Race To Miley Cyrus' Home After Apparent Prank 911 Call

StarpulseMiley Cyrus fell victim to a malicious hoax after cops received a prank call warning of a shooting at the young star's home. Emergency services received a 911 call on W... more info
13:16 on August 2 2012

Miley Cyrus in 911 hoax

Jam! Showbiz Music, CanadaMiley Cyrus fell victim to a nasty hoax after cops received a prank call warning of a shooting at the young star's home. more info
15:31 on August 2 2012

Miley Cyrus Falls Victim to Swatting

The NewsroomArmed cops show up at her house after a serious 911 call more info
17:25 on August 2 2012

Miley Cyrus' home raided in 'swatting' prank

L.A. Times - Pop & HissMiley Cyrus' Studio City home was the subject of a massive police raid Wednesday, allegedly prompted by a prank call. more info


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