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3 stories in this thread

06:01 on August 26 2012

Evan Rachel Wood Clarifies Tweet About Miley Cyrus Possibly Being Gay

411 ManiaOh that wacky Twitter… more info
22:02 on August 25 2012

Miley Cyrus Is Gay? Evan Rachel Wood Clarifies Tweet!

Perez HiltonWhoopsie!! Looks like someone got lost in Twitter translation!! After Miley Cyrus debuted her fabulous pixie cut, Evan Rachel Wood tweeted, "I called it! Miley Cyrus is... more info
20:48 on August 27 2012

Miley Cyrus Caught Locking Lips With Another LADY In NYC!!!

Perez HiltonIs this what Evan Rachel Wood psychically envisioned when she said MC was going gay? Turns out Miley Cyrus really does enjoy smoochin' on the gentler of the sexes — she... more info


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