This picture just gave my eyeballs HPV - Holy Moly!
Lady CaCa needs to work on her tuck game - Socialite Life
Methinks Drew's new "boytoy" loves a little man chowder in the morning (but who doesn't?) - ICYDK
Nas doesn't want to give his knocked up wifey one cent - Celebitchy
Stepford Katie can't stop dancing, because she obviously can easily stop washing her hair - I'm Not Obsessed
Jacko has postponed his London EXTRAVAGANZAAAAAAA! Probably so engineers could invent spot...
Dlisted — This picture just gave my eyeballs HPV - Holy Moly!
Lady CaCa needs to work on her tuck game - Socialite Life
Methinks Drew's new "boytoy" loves a little man chowder... more info