Mantyhose are just like long johns, except tighter and gayer. Put me down for 2 boxes! - The Frisky
Hayden Panatroll has "first lady" hair - I'm Not Obsessed
SJP's son has "Meg Ryan" hair - ICYDK
Fishsticks begged Vadge not to divorce Guy - Celebitchy
Stephen Baldwin needs to move to Mars, not Canada - Mollygood
DJ AM goes back to work - A Socialite's Life
Sarah Palin pisses off Bon Jovi - Holy Moly!
Dlisted — Mantyhose are just like long johns, except tighter and gayer. Put me down for 2 boxes! - The Frisky
Hayden Panatroll has "first lady" hair - I'm Not Obsessed
SJP... more info