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3 stories in this thread

14:08 on June 4 2009

Yo La Tengo releasing new album 'Popular Songs' (MP3), Dump (James McNew) playing NYC w/ Choo Choo La Rouge

Brooklyn VeganDOWNLOAD: Yo La Tengo - Periodically Double Or Triple (MP3) We have an old saying at Matador HQ, "the only thing predictable about Yo La Tengo albums is their high level ... more info
14:46 on June 4 2009

Yo La Tengo announce new album and UK gig

NMEBand also giving away a free MP3 more info
15:11 on June 4 2009

New Yo La Tengo - "Periodically Double Or Triple"

StereogumGeorgia Hubley, Ira Kaplan and James McNew will likely be at it longer than you'll ever be at it. After 2006's I Am Not Afraid of You and I Will Beat Your Ass and the equ... more info


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