Being sensible, cultured types, you have better things to do with your Saturday night. But recently I was listening to Russell Brand's show on Radio 2. And suddenly, breaking through the seamless verbal solipsism of the host, a sharp, clear, witty voice emerged. It was someone talking sense with humour. I recognised the Mancunian twang, but couldn't initially place it. Then, roughly about the time Brand called him by his Christian name, it came to me: it was Noel Gallagher.The founder and drivin...
ContactMusic — Oasis' Noel Gallagher has joked about the frequency with which X Factor contestants relate 'sob stories' in their auditions.A number of hopefuls on the new series of ... more info — Being sensible, cultured types, you have better things to do with your Saturday night. But recently I was listening to Russell Brand's show on Radio 2. And suddenly, brea... more info