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5 stories in this thread

22:21 on October 22 2008

Head of Paul McCartney Found

Undercover, AustraliaAs a follow-up to our story earlier this week about the missing head of Paul McCartney, we have good news. Macca`s head has been found. more info
02:46 on October 23 2008

Homeless man earns £2,000 for finding Sir Paul McCartney's head

NMEHomeless man Anthony Silva has claimed a %26%231562,000 reward after finding the waxwork head of Sir Paul McCartney in a bin at Reading train station. more info
03:40 on October 23 2008

Paul McCartney Waxwork Head Found By A Tramp

AngryApeThe lost head has now been returned by a homeless man more info
07:00 on October 23 2008

Paul McCartney's Head Gets Lost on a Train

Spinner.comFiled under: Wacked No, the cute Beatle did not kill Tony Soprano's horse. A box containing Paul McCartney's head has been lost on a train outside Londo... more info
09:00 on October 23 2008

Homeless man earns $4,000 for finding Sir Paul McCartney's head (Yahoo! Music)

Yahoo! MusicYahoo! Music - Homeless man Anthony Silva has claimed a $4,000 reward after finding the waxwork head of Sir Paul McCartney in a bin at Reading, England train station. more info


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