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4 stories in this thread

07:10 on October 1 2013

Justin Bieber carried up Great Wall of China by bodyguards

StarpulseJustin Bieber shocked tourists during a visit to the Great Wall of China after he ordered his bodyguards to carry him along the historical monument. The Baby hitmaker he... more info
01:46 on October 1 2013

Pictures show Justin Bieber being carried up Great Wall

USA Today MusicPictures show Justin Bieber being carried up China's Great Wall by his bodyguards. more info
17:37 on October 1 2013

Justin Bieber Carried on Bodyguards' Shoulders at Great Wall of China—Check It Out!

E! OnlineAs if seeing one of the greatest wonders of the world wasn't enough, Justin Bieber needed a perfectly unobstructed view of the Great Wall of China. The 19-year-old stop... more info
09:00 on October 1 2013

Justin Bieber carried up Great Wall of China by bodyguards

Jam! Showbiz Music, Canada Justin Bieber carried up Great Wall of China by bodyguards more info


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