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3 stories in this thread

19:04 on November 16 2010

Poison and Motley Crue To Tour Together

411 ManiaIt's like New Kids and Backstreet, but with more hair and older groupies... more info
23:50 on November 17 2010

Sorry Hair Metal Fans, Poison & Motley Crue NOT Going On Tour!

Perez HiltonLooks like this is officially not happening. At a recent concert in Windsor, Ont., Bret Michaels told the crowd that he'd try to return the following year during a Poison... more info
00:36 on November 18 2010

Tommy Lee - Lee Denies Michaels' Motley Crue/poison Tour Claims

ContactMusicRocker TOMMY LEE has shot down reports his band MOTLEY CRUE will be teaming up with POISON for a double tour next year (11).Poison frontman Bret Michaels broke the news..... more info


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