Singer takes up the bagpipes following recent visit to ScotlandFor Bob Dylan, the answer seems to be blowin' in the bagpipes. The 70-year-old singer bought a set of pipes during a recent visit to Glasgow."He's always wanted to learn," Dylan's spokesperson told Reuters. The singer has long been a fan of all things Scottish, citing Robbie Burns as an influence and even buying a mansion in the Cairgorms. The Times They Are A-Changin' was apparently based on a pipes tune. On the 1997 song Highlands,...
Guardian Music — Singer takes up the bagpipes following recent visit to ScotlandFor Bob Dylan, the answer seems to be blowin' in the bagpipes. The 70-year-old singer bought a set of pipes... more info
ContactMusic — Bob Dylan is learning to play the bagpipes following a recent trip to Scotland The 70-year-old music legend performed two shows in Glasgow Scotland over the weekend 08-09... more info