Taken from Noel's tour diary for oasisinet.comYes. The massive. How on earth is everyone? All good? Wonderful.Fuck me, I enjoyed those 2 weeks off. Had some beautiful quiet nights in with Nancy and a couple of truly magical nights out with.. well, if I told you, you wouldn't believe me. I will say this though, there was royalty involved!!Had a few days on the Amalfi coast in Italia. Very nice. Lovely weather.What else? BUT, OF COURSE!! The football season's started. Me and Burning Natty and vari...
Stopcryingyourheartout.com — Taken from Noel's tour diary for oasisinet.comYes. The massive. How on earth is everyone? All good? Wonderful.Fuck me, I enjoyed those 2 weeks off. Had some beautiful qui... more info