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3 stories in this thread

04:40 on January 7 2009

Ti Pays Up For Exs Legal Bills After Clerical Error

ContactMusicRapper T.I. has defended his failure to obey a court ruling and cover his ex-girlfriend's legal costs in their ongoing custody battle, blaming the non-payment on a ... more info
06:47 on January 7 2009

T.I. cuts $8,000 check for overdue lawyer fees (AP)

Yahoo! MusicAP - Rapper T.I. has paid an $8,000 overdue lawyer bill for the mother of two of his sons, telling a judge the debt was an oversight. more info
17:00 on January 7 2009

T.I. Ponies Up

Perez HiltonRapper T.I. went to court in Atlanta on Tuesday to pony up $8,000 for his babymomm's legal fees. He sure loves to spend time in court! LaShon Dixon hit T.I. up for the ca... more info


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