Jay-Z and Kanye West’s album “Watch The Throne” may see a July release according to XXL. According to an unnamed source, the pair are in New York putting the final touches to the album. At press time, no official date has been set. a2a_linkname="Watch The Throne Coming In July"; a2a_linkurl="http://www.thehiphopchronicle.com/2011/06/05/watch-the-throne-coming-in-july/"; a2a_hide_embeds=0; a2a_show_title=1;
The Hip Hop Chronicle — Jay-Z and Kanye West’s album “Watch The Throne” may see a July release according to XXL. According to an unnamed source, the pair are in New York putting the final ... more info
The Hip Hop Chronicle — It took some months but here is the final official version to Monster. I’m guessing this will be on Watch The Throne considering they put the official video out so late... more info