The recently-relocated-to-Cincinnati band Why? has announced that they've taken on a new manager, Blake Maxwell, after singer Yoni Wolf did some extensive Craigslist searching for a new man to take the reins and bring the band to the next level. Below they've posted a clip of their preliminary meetings with Maxwell. Why? is set to release Eskimo Snow next Tuesday on Anticon, and the band's upcoming tour dates follow.
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Dlisted — It's like Jon Gosselin simultaneously barfed, snotted, vommed and jizzed all over the always-elegant CoCo! ILLEGAL! How did CoCo let this happen? CoCo needs to list... more info
XLR8R — The recently-relocated-to-Cincinnati band Why? has announced that they've taken on a new manager, Blake Maxwell, after singer Yoni Wolf did some extensive Craigslist... more info