Winehouse Zulu-ses it IT's not every day you are in the presence of royalty - so it's a pity Amy Winehouse wasn't better bee-hived when she met the King of the Zulus...
The Mirror — Winehouse Zulu-ses it IT's not every day you are in the presence of royalty - so it's a pity Amy Winehouse wasn't better bee-hived when she met the King of the Zulus... more info
The Mirror — It's not every day you are in the presence of royalty - so it's a pity Amy Winehouse wasn't better bee-hived when she met the King of the Zulus. more info
ContactMusic — Amy Winehouse reportedly "insulted" the King of the Zulu Nation.The singer and her director boyfriend Reg Traviss were at the opening of new African-themed... more info