So, OH MY GOD LADY GAGA PLAYED A NEW SONG AT A FASHION SHOW AND IT'S SUPER AWESOME AND KINDA GAY AND WEEEEEEEE! Oh I kid, I kid, it actually kinda blows. Hard. Mind you, it's a remix of one of her actual songs, and as we all know, remixes are inherently shittier than their original counterparts, but still, this is... Bad. Really bad. Calling it eurotrash would be an insult to European based garbage. The best analogy I can use is that the song is basically the
Katie Price
of music, in that I'm...
Pop Bytes —
So, OH MY GOD LADY GAGA PLAYED A NEW SONG AT A FASHION SHOW AND IT'S SUPER AWESOME AND KINDA GAY AND WEEEEEEEE! Oh I kid, I kid, it actually kinda blows. Hard. Mind you,... more info