Frisian said...On Frisian’s Other FavoritesFolk;Irolt - De Gudrun Sege [1975]Pop-Rock;Voyager - Halfway Hotel [1979, Vinyl]http://frisiansotherfavorites.blogspot.comswvccswvcc said...Venetians - Amazing World (1988) [vinyl rip] Paul Collins' Beat - The Kids Are The Same (1982) [vinyl rip] http://swvccswvcc.blogspot.comtuttsi_fruttsi_icecream said...Coolio - Fantastic Voyage (CDS) (1994)http://tuttsifruttsi.blogspot.commocho said...Zabrisky point -original soundtrackat Mocho's the world is...
Totally Fuzzy — Frisian said...On Frisian’s Other FavoritesFolk;Irolt - De Gudrun Sege [1975]Pop-Rock;Voyager - Halfway Hotel [1979, Vinyl]http://frisiansotherfavorites.blogspot.c... more info