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The new Little Boots song is properly the most amazing dance song we've heard all year

5725 days ago
...and we've been meaning to talk about it for a while, but we've been really, really, really busy and on top of that having some sort of Existential Pop Crisis about What It All Means and Why Are We Here and We Can't Tell Any Of The Pussycat Dolls A... more info


5857 days ago
Chairlift are just "datamoshing".Yes, "datamoshing"--the newfangled video treatment in which images are manipulated to purposefully look like you're streaming video is totally fucked in the ass. Charming! The first time we saw OG datamoshing was in t... more info

Once Again, Sébastien Tellier Demonstrates His Bottomless Sense of Humility

5877 days ago
At first we thought hirsute French crooner Sébastien Tellier was a little bit naft, but luckily we've realized that we're totally wrong and that he is the future of music (he's not the future of music, but Sexuality is am amazing record, etc). But... more info

We Just May Be Totally Obsessed With The Golden Filter

5878 days ago
Yes, things have been slow around here, but we're gradually getting it together, between trying to find bands we're into and viewings of BBC America's How Clean Is Your House?. We're going to do a massive redesign, but for now here's "Hide Me" by The... more info

The Katy Perry Remix To End All Katy Perry Remixes

5909 days ago
We randomly came across this remix of "Hot N Cold" by someone named Daddy Nino (or Niño, perhaps? It's hard to tell WHEN PEOPLE USE ALL CAPS ALL THE TIME), while looking for new and inventive ways of making Katy Perry listenable. Holy mother of Ch... more info

Had You Told Us That The New Lily Allen Single Would Make Us Like Pop Music Again We Would Have Laughed In Your Face

5932 days ago
100% Amazing. more info

Everything with You

5934 days ago
I think that I must be living under a rock because all that I’ve been listening to of late are albums that I’ve had in the collection for a while. What’s going on 2008? With the exception of School of Seven Bells’ Alpinism... more info

The Saturdays and Vince Clarke Save Music

5938 days ago
The date is November 29th, 2008. It's a Saturday (COINCIDENCE??? I THINK NOT) and we were going about our normal weekend schedule--making a hearty breakfast, idly channel surfing, perhaps daydreaming a little about Daniel Craig and how we haven't see... more info

We'd like for you to assist at the death of our credibility

5960 days ago
(What credibility?--World)We don't know if it's these hard American times, the economy, the lack of health care, the war, and all the national strife that is beginning to seriously impair our mental health, but after last week's misguided confession ... more info

Stick A Fork In Us, We're Done

5975 days ago
In all our days on this Earth we have only found there to be two universal truths: everyone dies someday, and the Killers are shit. Like, really, really shit. Ever since their faux-'80s stylings of 2003, we've often wished someone would take it upon ... more info

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