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The Telegraph Blog

All news items from this source

Faith No More at Download: Reuniting in style

5740 days ago
Take note, people - this is how you do the big rock 'n' roll comeback. In an object lesson for Korn and Limp Bizkit, the two '90s rap-rock survivors propping them up on the bill, Faith No More turned up at Download festival as if their decade away h... more info

Fes Festival - Spiritual but funky

5741 days ago
Weds I'm sitting on the roof of Ibrahim Tijani's house in the ancient Fes Medina, there's an almost full moon and the muezzin is blasting out a distorted Allar Akbar, God Is Great. Ibrahim is a leading local Sufi, head of the International division o... more info

Madonna allowed to adopt child, world ends

5744 days ago
So, Madonna has finally won the battle to adopt Chifundo "Mercy" James. In the first round, the court ruled that she had not spent enough time in Malawi to be allowed to adopt the child. It also said that rules were bent when Madonna left Malawi wi... more info

Michael Jackson's Choir is not news

5744 days ago
Sometimes music news seems to take place in a surreal alternative universe, where none of the normal rules of life (or reporting) apply. Yesterday The Mirror and The Star both ran with the headline 'Lady Gaga covers up on Hawaiian beach', suggesting ... more info

Tallulah's Back, Daaahhhhling!

5744 days ago
Amy Winehouse, Lindsay Lohan, and Paris Hilton are as dull as slow internet connections compared to the First Lady of Camp, Tallulah Bankhead---star of stage, film, and tv in the 1930s, 40s, and 50s.  And that may be why a new play about the bi-sexu... more info

Is this the most expensive hat in the world?

5746 days ago
$20,000 - from Optimo Hats in Chicago more info

Pappano shines light on Berg's dark and difficult 'Lulu'

5747 days ago
Who is Lulu? What is she, that all her swains commend her?  It's a fair question that Alban Berg's opera always leaves you asking of its central character - a strangely passive femme fatale pursued by every other member of the cast - and never mo... more info

Paolo Nutini: an all time great in the making

5747 days ago
Paolo Nutini is very deservedly at number one in the album charts this week with 'Sunny Side Up'. I gave this a five star review in the Telegraph, which I described as an 'organic blend of soul, country, folk and the brash, horny energy of  ragtime ... more info

Eminem gets bummed out by Sacha Baron Cohen

5755 days ago
Poor Marshall Mathers III. The rapper was well and truly humiliated at last night's MTV Movie awards. Sacha Baron Cohen, decked out in Bruno guise to promote his new film, floated gracefully above the audience in a harness before hitting some kind of... more info

Diversity show Britain really has got talent - and taste

5756 days ago
When the dance group Diversity won Britain's Got Talent on Saturday night, I felt absolutely delighted - and just a tiny bit smug. Delighted because there couldn't be a nicer group of lads to win such a competition, or a group more deserving of the ... more info

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