Returns sources related to search.
ID (id=)
Returns a specific source
Artists (artists=)
Inclusive and exclusive related artist filter (comma delimited)
Keywords (q=)
Inclusive and exclusive string filter of title and content of story (comma delimited)
Timeband (time=)
Two dates to filter articles between. Accepts unix timestamp and ISO 8601 formatted date strings.
Limit (limit=)
Limit the number of items that appear within the output. If there is a comma it starts as an offset. E.g. 50,100: Show 50 results, but start from the 100th result.
Order by (order=)
Order the articles by name or date
<api.gigulate version="1.0"> <news.sources total="[total sources matching search]"> <source id="[Source ID]"> <name>[Source Name]</name> <url>[Source URL]/</url> <date:updated>[last time the source was updated]</date:updated> <artists total="[total related artists to this source]"> <artist id="[Artist ID]" mbid="[MusicBrainz ID]"> <name>[Artist Name]</name> <url>[Artist URL]</url> </artist> [...] </artists> </source> [...] </news.sources> </api.gigulate>
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