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Califone – “Every Amnesia Movie”

74 days ago
Stereogum In October, Califone shared a higher-quality version of “Burn The Sheets.Bleach The Books,” which the Tim Rutili-led band played live on occasion from the 2016 home-recorded EP Insect Courage. Today, Califone are announcing a new album, The Vi... more info

Califone – “Burn The Sheets.Bleach The Books”

163 days ago
Stereogum Way back in 2016, Califone shared a home-recorded EP called Insect Courage, which featured a song called “Burn The Sheets.Bleach The Books.” Since then, the Tim Rutili-led band played that song live about once annually. Now, Califone have shar... more info

Califone – “Antenna Mountain Death Blanket”

512 days ago
Stereogum Califone, Tim Rutili’s longstanding, outstanding experimental folk-rock project, released their new album Villagers back in May. Today they’ve tacked on three bonus tracks for a deluxe edition. more info

Line Out – A Long-Form Experiment

2104 days ago
Aquarium DrunkardLine Out, a one hour piece featuring twenty recordings from psychedelic and avant-garde mainstays like Can and Faust, lesser known practitioners such as Agitation Free and Novalis, and contemporary experimenters including Dungen, Beak >, and Califone... more info

Sylvan Esso & Collections Of Colonies Of Bees – “Funeral Singers” (Califone Cover)

2395 days ago
StereogumY'all ever listen to Califone? If not, you should really rectify that immediately. Tim Rutili's deconstructed folk-rock project produced some of the most beautiful and inventive underground sound of the past couple decades, winning a small but devote... more info

Tara Jane O'Neil preps new LP, shares "Blow," on tour now with Tortoise (2 NYC shows this week)

2936 days ago
Brooklyn VeganFolsky solo artist Tara Jane O'Neil will release her new self-titled album on April 21 via Gnomesong Records. In addition to dates with Tortoise, she'll be on tour with Califone and Mirah. Continue reading… more info

Califone – “Slowness”

2958 days ago
StereogumThere are many fine records in the Califone canon, but Tim Rutili's experimental folk-rock project has never sounded more vital than on 2003's Quicksand/Cradlesnakes. So I'm pleased to report that the album, which contains the awesome "Vampiring Agai... more info

No Joy – “Hellhole”

2962 days ago
StereogumMontreal shoegazers No Joy got Lansing-Dreiden/Violens mastermind and Ariel Pink collaborator Jorge Elbrecht to produce their new EP Creep. And while we've already posted the early track "Califone," you can hear Elbrecht's influence at work a little ... more info

Califone – “Comedy”

2973 days ago
StereogumSecretly Canadian's anti-Trump charity campaign Our First 100 Days rages on. Super Bowl Sunday's installment was a new Califone track called "Comedy." Over a sighing piano foundation and guitar theatrics that serve as a reminder for how this band set... more info

Day 17/100: Califone – "Comedy"

2974 days ago
Brooklyn VeganIt's the latest in the 'Our First 100 Days' series. Continue reading… more info

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