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Duncan Lloyd – “Heart In Delay”

2608 days ago
We All Want Someone To Shout ForYou many best know Duncan Lloyd as Maximo Park’s guitarist. But he has embarked on a solo career of his own, releasing some dreamy 90s sounding shoegaze such as single “Heart In Delay.” The track features the vocals of Nicole Yun of Eternal Sum... more info

Maximo Park - Maximo Park Offer Reward For Stolen Strummer Guitar

5701 days ago
ContactMusicBritish rockers MAXIMO PARK have called on their fans to help locate bassist DUNCAN LLOYD's beloved guitar, after the instrument was stolen just hours before a homecoming gig... more info

Maximo Park- The Kids Are Sick Again

5742 days ago
Its Getting Boring By The SeaStill not sure if this is any good. Also, Duncan Lloyd looks like Bono pretending to be The Edge in this video.var addthis_pub="boringbythesea"; more info

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