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Strange bedfellows

2937 days ago
Songs:IllinoisA ballroom dance known as a Waltz, places an accented beat on the first of every 3 counts. ” ONE 2 3, ONE 2 3, ONE 2 3, etc…” The dancers tend to move more on these accented counts, using them as strong beats. The other two can sometimes be tho... more info

Paul Tanner Dies Aged 95, Last Surviving Member Of Glen Miller Orchestra

4431 days ago
ContactMusicThe last surviving member of the Glenn Miller Orchestra, trombonist Paul Tanner, passed away earlier this week following a bout with pneumonia, he... more info

Hyde Park on Hudson: FDR, His Mistresses and the King

4493 days ago
TimeIf a movie about stammering King George VI could score a $400-million triumph at the worldwide box office and a near-sweep of the 2011 Academy Awards, then a film about George VI’s friendship with Franklin Delano Roosevelt is a lock for a billion d... more info

80 years of Abbey Road

4673 days ago
Guardian MusicIt's the world's most famous studio and everyone from Edward Elgar to Ella Fitzgerald – and, of course, the Beatles – has made music there. Jon Savage on the unique musical heritage of Abbey Road StudiosAbbey Road would be unthinkable today. Just... more info

Alexis Petridis on The Height of Goth

4700 days ago
Guardian MusicAt turns unwittingly hilarious, fascinating and incredibly boring, this 1984 nightclub documentary is a great British pop culture documentIt's hard to understand why someone in late 1984 took it upon themselves to finance and make an amateur film abo... more info

Pop at the pictures: How Humphrey Lyttelton paved the way for pop

4822 days ago
Guardian MusicJon Savage continues his search for forgotten pop-cultural gems in the archives of British Pathe newsreels. Here he explains how Feldman's jazz club set the bar for postwar British youth cultureI missed this on my last trawl through the archives, so ... more info

Beryl Davis

4875 days ago
Guardian MusicBritish singer who formed a gospel group with Jane Russell and was a popular presence on radio shows in the UK and the USThe vocalist Beryl Davis, who has died aged 87 from complications caused by Alzheimer's disease, was one of a number of British p... more info

Pop at the pictures: Wartime London dances to America's tune

4900 days ago
Guardian MusicJon Savage trawls the archive of British Pathe newsreels to pick out forgotten cultural gems. Here he explains why Rainbow Corner, a club for US servicemen, held 40s London in full swingSituated at the Piccadilly end of Shaftesbury Avenue in London, ... more info


4914 days ago
The Vinyl VillainSome Fantastic PlaceOn Friday 6th August 2010 JC wrote a piece on the Dundee band The View’s single Superstar Tradesman and included in the article was a track which was in my opinion the worst ever cover version I’ve ever heard….Up the Junctio... more info

Eric Delaney obituary

4973 days ago
Guardian MusicShowman drummer and bandleader who played with manic ferocityThe drummer Eric Delaney, who has died aged 87 after a brain haemorrhage, earned undying fame as a percussion showman and band- leader, constantly adding to his arsenal of drums and timpa... more info

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