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Bernie Pallo obituary

4726 days ago
Guardian MusicMy friend Bernie Pallo, who has died aged 60 from cancer, was a blues musician. Born in France, Bernie moved from his family home in Marseille to London in the late 60s and settled in Westbourne Park. He soon got a regular gig at a night club in Soho... more info

Huntington Beach Wetlands Conservancy nears long-held goal

4956 days ago
L.A. Times - NewsIf the nonprofit succeeds in becoming the new owner of the Newland Marsh, its mission will be complete.Twenty-five years ago, Gordon Smith banded with fellow environmentalists and set out to acquire and restore the remaining wetlands in Huntington Be... more info

Letter: Ishbel MacAskill obituary

4984 days ago
Guardian MusicVeronica Gordon Smith writes: Ishbel MacAskill (obituary, 15 April) sang at the funeral of John Smith, the former leader of the Labour party, in Edinburgh in 1994. The service was relayed by loudspeaker to hundreds of mourners in the streets outside.... more info

What football can teach classical

5409 days ago
Guardian MusicAlso at the ABO's conference, a session addressed what orchestras might learn from Scottish football, with the help of the SFA's chief executive, Gordon Smith, a former Rangers player. Alas, orchestral managers were not urged to administer "hairdrier... more info

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