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watch Elephant 6 members pay tribute to Bill Doss @ 40 Watt

4606 days ago
Brooklyn Veganphoto via Stephen Cramer A memorial service for Olivia Tremor Control's Bill Doss, who passed away on July 30, went down at the 40 Watt in Athens on August 4th. Friends and family, like Jeff Mangum, Julian Koster, Robert Schneider,... more info

Refused – review

4613 days ago
Guardian MusicForum, LondonWith Neutral Milk Hotel's Jeff Mangum stumbling out of the wilderness to curate this year's All Tomorrow's Parties and 2012's other hardcore comeback troupe At the Drive-In playing Brixton Academy in a fortnight, the much maligned practi... more info

Jeff Mangum, The Jesus and Mary Chain head Boomslang 2012

4628 days ago
Consequence of SoundPlus, Das Racist, Baroness, Cloud Nothings, Deerhoof, and more. more info

Primavera Sound 2012: the DiS Review, Saturday 2nd June

4674 days ago
DrownedInSoundOur final report from Primavera Sound 2012 features words on Sharon Van Etten, Jeff Mangum, Jamie xx, Forest Swords, Josh T. Pearson and a bunch more, as well as closing thoughts from our writers in attendance. Read the full story on DrownedinS... more info

Coachella 2012: The strange magic of Milk Hotel's Jeff Mangum

4734 days ago
L.A. Times - Pop & HissThe return of Neutral Milk Hotel’s Jeff Mangum to the public eye has been one of indie rock's biggest surprises in recent years, and at his set at Coachella 2012 he had thousands of people earnestly singing along with his surreal and spare acoustic... more info

Live Music: Jeff Mangum @ The Fox Theater, April 10, 2012

4737 days ago
PopdoseMost people even a little familiar with indie rock know the story of Jeff Mangum. As the man behind Neutral Milk Hotel, one of the ‘90s more brilliant and original bands, Mangum is beloved by many but known by few. That’s because they disbanded a... more info

ATP Jeff Mangum: the DiS review

4754 days ago
DrownedInSoundTwo weeks ago Jeff Mangum's rescheduled ATP finally took place. And we had reviewers there and everything - but in tribute to the three month delay of the festival, we had a slight delay on the write up, which is here with you now, at last, sorry. ... more info

The return of Jeff Mangum, cult legend

4765 days ago
Guardian MusicUnion Chapel, London"Five years ago, I didn't think I'd be doing this," says Jeff Mangum, perched on a stool, skinny and intense. In that respect he is not alone. In 1999, shortly after Neutral Milk Hotel released their much-mythologised second album... more info

Live music: coming up

4768 days ago
Guardian MusicTake a look at the gigs our writers will be reviewing this week, and tell us about live music you've seen recentlyEach week we publish a list of concerts our writers will be covering in the next few days, and we invite you to tell us about shows you'... more info

Olivia Tremor Control – review

4771 days ago
Guardian MusicCargo, London"This song is in nine different parts," says Bill Doss, as a white-bearded brass player resembling an Amish bear trapper readies his gargantuan sousaphone, and Olivia Tremor Control's other frontman Will Cullen Hart babbles wildly to him... more info

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