Mjsbigblog —
This week will likely be the biggest shopping week of the year for albums. The two weeks before Christmas generally are and next week will be cut short by the day itself. So, this likely means that the previous week (Dec 6-12) was t... more info
Guardian Music — German teenager accused of using Trojan horse program to download and distribute new songs appeals to stars in letterA German teenager has apologised for allegedly hacking into the computers of Lady Gaga, Justin Timberlake and other musicians. "I'm u... more info
Mjsbigblog —
Concert stats are delayed this morning, so let’s make the daily numbers thread the year-end-chart thread? Takes a while to compile all these lists, so please be patient. Apache keeps crashing.
Billboard has published all the 2010 ... more info
Mjsbigblog —
Crystal Bowersox producer David Bendeth tweets all the deets on the personnel who played on her Farmer’s Daughter album. Crystal played acoustic guitar throughout the record.
Today’s Idol Appearances
Anthony Federov opens a... more info
Topix — Two young German computer hackers allegedly stole pop songs from Lady Gaga, Justin Timberlake , Ke$ha and Kelly Clarkson , selling them online and forcing the advanced release of several singles, officials said Friday. more info
Perez Hilton — How dare they mess with GaGa! They've got a lot of nerve and we hope they're disciplined accordingly!
A 17-year-old high school student and a 23-year old unemployed man in Germany are currently under investigation for stealing unreleased songs from L... more info
Guardian Music — German police investigate allegations that tracks by Lady Gaga, Justin Timberlake, Kesha and Kelly Clarkson were taken illegally from their personal computers and soldTwo young German computer hackers allegedly stole songs from musicians Lady Gaga, J... more info
Detroit Free Press — Two young German computer hackers allegedly stole pop songs from Lady Gaga, Justin Timberlake, Ke$ha and Kelly Clarkson, selling them online and forcing the advanced release of several singles, officials said today. more info