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40 From 40 Plus 10: 2013

1914 days ago
Sweeping The NationOnwards in our survey of our favourite stuff that tells the story, or at least a hyper-specific version of it, of each year of the decade just finishing. 2013, then. It doesn't feel like it, either now or reading the contemporary view, but it was... more info

Sweeping The Nation's 200 "Other" Tracks Of 2017: K-Z

2611 days ago
Sweeping The NationAs explained in the A-J post last time out, by "other" we mean anything not from one of our top 50 albums of the year. The second hundred of our far too large selection runs thus... Kagoule - Monsieur AutomatonKamikaze Girls - DeathcapKatiya Falcone... more info

The Present Stops For The Past To Speak: DiS Meets Kiran Leonard

2699 days ago
DrownedInSoundThe multi-instrumentalist talks us through the genesis of his latest ambitious project more info

STN recommends: 2/6/17

2821 days ago
Sweeping The NationIt's only been a week and again EVERYONE has decided to release new material for us to pick carefully through and highlight the peaks rather than foothills of. May as well start with Arcade Fire, whose Everything Now - title track of album out Ju... more info

Kiran Leonard – “Coayacán”

3110 days ago
StereogumManchester singer-songwriter Kiran Leonard released the stellar Grapefruit LP, a collection of Swans/Deerhoof/Radiohead-inspired forward-leaning jams, this past March. Though it’s only been five months, his first recording since then, and the first... more info

Kiran Leonard – “Pink Fruit” (Stereogum Premiere)

3378 days ago
StereogumKicking off with an album cycle with a sprawling, wordy 16-minute single is a bold and ambitious move, but one that feels par for the course for Kiran Leonard. The Manchester singer-songwriter has been called a lot of things in the years since he sta... more info

UK singer songwriter Kiran Leonard releasing new EP, shares "Working People" (listen)

3480 days ago
Brooklyn Veganby Bill Pearis Manchester, UK singer-songwriter Kiran Leonard has a new EP, titled Abandoning Noble Goals. We've got the premiere of "Working People" from it which is new territory for the prolific musician: political protest. Says Leonard:i usually ... more info

Kiran Leonard released 'Bowler Hat Soup,' got remixed by Field Music (streams & UK tour dates)

3874 days ago
Brooklyn Veganby Bill Pearis Last year, Manchester singer-songwriter Kiran Leonard released Bowler Hat Soup, an exceedingly assured debut, filled with momements both lovely and loud. It was all the more impressive considering Leonard was 17 upon its release. If yo... more info

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