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Lady Gaga and philosopher Slavoj Zizek have an intellectual/dance thing going on... or do they?

5011 days ago
L.A. Times - Pop & HissLady Gaga and philospher Slavoj Žižek are walking down an avenue, and there's a giant puddle. He takes off his jacket and spreads it over the water for her. Lady Gaga and Slavoj Žižek are at an Italian restaurant, sharing... more info

Pop Culture Pop Quiz: Is It a Weird Al Song?

5011 days ago
Big Apple Music SceneWeird Al's new album, Alpocalypse, is out today. It's full of polka and parodies, including the Lady Gaga spoof  below. Maybe you consider yourself an Al fan, or at least pretty well versed in his big hits, like Amish Paradise, right? But can you t... more info

Morrissey - Morrissey Supports Gaga's Meat Dress

5011 days ago
ContactMusicVegetarian singer Morrissey has backed Lady Gaga's 2010 Mtv Video Music Awards meat dress stunt, insisting it's fine to wear animal flesh as a "social and political statement". The former The Smiths frontman has waged war on the meat industry through... more info

Video: Weird Al Yankovic spoofs Lady Gaga

5011 days ago
USA Today MusicCheck out Weird Al as he emerges from an egg and sports a meat dress. more info

Weird Al Yankovic - Weird Al Yankovic Returns With Lady Gaga Parody

5011 days ago
ContactMusicParody artist Weird Al Yankovic has mocked Lady Gaga's 'Born This Way' on his latest album. The singer - who is widely known for lampooning other artists - pokes fun at Gaga's comparisons to Madonna by including a number of references to the Material... more info

50 Cent "Has To Work Harder" Than Lady GaGa

5011 days ago News50 Cent has claimed he has to work harder than label mate Lady GaGa to get his records played on the radio.The Candy Shop hitmaker, who recently slammed Interscope Records on Twitter regarding the... more info

Gaga caught short on stage

5011 days ago
Yahoo! Music UKworld entertainment news - Pop star Lady Gaga found herself in a wee spot of bother at a concert last year - she was caught on camera apparently wetting herself onstage. more info

Lady Gaga - Lady Gaga Caught Short On Stage

5011 days ago
ContactMusicPop star Lady Gaga found herself in a wee spot of bother at a concert last year (10) - she was caught on camera apparently wetting herself onstage. The singer was performing live at the GelreDome in Holland in May (10) when she appeared to relieve he... more info

Jennifer Lopez - Lopez Defends Rihanna & Gaga's Saucy Stage Shows

5011 days ago
ContactMusicJennifer Lopez has spoken out in support of Rihanna and Lady Gaga's raunchy routines, insisting the music scene would be "boring" without the pop stars' attention-grabbing antics. Rihanna has long courted controversy with her saucy stage acts - her 2... more info

Lady GaGa "Would Love" Her Own Fashion Line

5012 days ago NewsLady GaGa has expressed her desire to launch her own fashion line in the near future. SEE WHY MTV LOVES LADY GAGA HERE!!   The eccentric popstar, who is known for her crazy costumes, revealed... more info

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