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Katy Perry - Feminist Rocker Kathleen Hanna Blasts Gaga & Perry For Disgusting Pop

5012 days ago
ContactMusicFormer Bikini Kill rocker Kathleen Hanna has taken aim at Katy Perry, Lady Gaga, Jason Mraz and James Blunt in a new Cnn rant. The outspoken feminist, who is married to Beastie Boys star Adam 'Ad-Rock' Horowitz, was promoting revived band The Julie R... more info

'Weird Al' Yankovic Takes on Lady Gaga in 'Perform This Way' (Video)

5012 days ago
PopeaterFiled under: Music News, Lady Gaga, AOL Music 'Weird Al' Yankovic has once again outdone himself. After a controversial tug o' war with Lady Gaga, the comedian was allowed to record 'Perform This Way,' a hilariously over-the-top parody of 'Born This ... more info

Weird Al Yankovic Parodies Lady Gaga’s “Born This Way” In “Perform This Way” VIDEO

5012 days ago
Pop CrunchLady Gaga’s reached a pivotal pinnacle in her maturity as a pop goddess: Parody Time! In the Music World, you’re nobody ’till Weird Al Yankovic makes fun of, and the [...] more info

Portrait of the artist: Alice Cooper, musician

5012 days ago
Guardian Music'I worked with Salvador Dalí for four days. He did a sculpture of my brain with a chocolate eclair running down the back'What got you started?I was at that perfect age: I was 15 when the Beatles came out in the US; then the Rolling Stones, the Kinks... more info

Cheese, bees and intestines? Weird Al Yankovic pokes fun at Lady Gaga in 'Perform This Way' video

5012 days ago
L.A. Times - Pop & HissWeird Al Yankovic pokes fun at Lady Gaga in 'Perform This Way' video more info

Lady Gaga - Lady Gaga Wants Fashion Career

5012 days ago
ContactMusicLady Gaga wants to work in fashion when she is finished with music. The 25-year-old singer - who is known for love of eccentric clothing, including a dress made of meat and one outfit of Kermit the Frog puppets - has a great relationship with people ... more info

The devil's horn always plays the best tunes

5012 days ago
The TelegraphThe legendary Clarence Clemons has passed on, but he's left his mark even on Lady Gaga, says William Langley. more info

Weird Al's Face Goes GaGa In Music Video For Perform This Way!

5012 days ago
Perez HiltonDespite the fact that his face super-imposed on someone else's body like that is the stuff that nightmares are made of…this is pretty HIGHlarious! Check out the just-released video for Weird Al Yankovic's parody of Lady GaGa's Born This Way, called... more info

Big Man R.I.P.: The Top Five Non-E Street Band Performances By The Late Clarence Clemons

5012 days ago
VH1 BlogThe Big Man, Clarence Clemons, passed on Saturday due to complications from his recent stroke. He was 69. Saxophonist Clemons was perhaps the most essential member of the E Street Band, but his appearance on Lady Gaga’s latest single “Edge of Glo... more info

Weird Al Lady Gaga Parody – Perform This Way (Born This Way)

5012 days ago
Mjsbigblog Weird Al Yankovic parades quite a few interesting looks in his Lady Gaga "Born This Way" parody "Perform This Way".Watch the video after the jump. more info

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