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Vanilla Ice Talks About His Relationship With Madonna

5166 days ago
411 ManiaIce talks about dating Queen of Pop in the '90s… more info

Vanilla Ice Opens Up About Dating Madonna!

5167 days ago
Perez HiltonHa! We still cannot believe that this happened. Vanilla Ice recently opened up about his time dating Madonna back in the early '90s, and claims that the reason that they split was over her controversial coffee table book Sex! He explains: “Going o... more info

Avril Lavigne Wants To Be Madonna

5167 days ago
411 ManiaCan she do it? more info

New music: Britney Spears - Hold It Against Me

5167 days ago
Guardian MusicThe saucy lines recall an episode of ITV's Take Me Out, but Britney's new single is decent enoughBritney's new single Hold It Against Me – the first from her forthcoming seventh album, due in March – has become something of an event. Demo version... more info

Morgan: 'I'll drop Madonna ban if she apologises to me'

5167 days ago
Yahoo! Music UKworld entertainment news - Newsman-turned-TV personality Piers Morgan has given Madonna hope after snubbing the pop superstar from his new CNN talk show - he'll lift the ban if she publicly apologises for being an annoyance to him. more info

Piers Morgan - Morgan: 'i'll Drop Madonna Ban If She Apologises To Me'

5167 days ago
ContactMusicNewsman-turned-TV personality PIERS MORGAN has given MADONNA hope after snubbing the pop superstar from his new CNN talk show - he'll lift the ban if she publicly apologises for being an annoyance to him.Morgan famously clashed with the Material Girl... more info

Madonna's security teams help police

5168 days ago
Jam! Showbiz Music, CanadaMadonna has been embroiled in a police investigation after a suspected thief plunged 100 feet from an apartment block and landed by the back door of the star's London home on Friday afternoon. more info

Madonna's Security Teams Help Police With Investigation

5168 days ago
StarpulseMadonna has been embroiled in a police investigation after a suspected thief plunged 100 feet from an apartment block and landed by the back door of the star's London home on Friday afternoon. Th... more info

Madonna - Madonna's Security Teams Help Police With Investigation

5168 days ago
ContactMusicMADONNA has been embroiled in a police investigation after a suspected thief plunged 100 feet (30 metres) from an apartment block and landed by the back door of the star's London home on Friday afternoon (07Jan10).The Holiday hitmaker's $15 million (... more info

Elika: Snuggle Bunnies

5169 days ago
Here Comes The Flood Evagelia Maravelias and Brian Wenckebach are Elika, a duo from in Brooklyn. Their new full-length Snuggle Bunnies is bit more experimental than its predecessor Trying Got Us Nowhere. Singer Evagelia Maravelias stills sounds an awful lot like Madonn... more info

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