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Toddlers & Tiaras Presents: Mini-Madonna!

5171 days ago
Perez HiltonOh my lucky star! Words can't describe this! Last night on Toddlers & Tiaras, the world was introduced to two-year old Mia from New Jersey. She has but one talent to share with you - channeling Madonna! We couldn't believe our eyes! Check out this Mi... more info

For Duran Duran, that was then, this is 'Now'

5171 days ago
Mercury News, CaliforniaThe man who led the band's way back: Grammy-winning producer Mark Ronson, who has worked with Lily Allen and Madonna. A longtime fan, Ronson, 35, spun a 'mega-mix' of Duran's greatest hits at a small event in Paris in 2008. He approached the band wit... more info

Guy Ritchie's Girlfriend Moves In

5171 days ago
StarpulseGuy Ritchie's relationship with his girlfriend Jacqui Ainsley is heating up - the model has moved in to the filmmaker's London home. The director, who spit from ex-wife Madonna in 2008, started da... more info

The 3 Worst Outfits On 'Toddlers and Tiaras'

5171 days ago
Big Apple Music SceneCan we all agree that TLC's Toddlers & Tiaras is one of the more despicable programs on television? As if baby pageants aren't gross enough, you're giving these parents a national platform to parade their mistakes around for all the world to laugh at... more info

Guy Ritchie - Ritchie's Girlfriend Moves In

5171 days ago
ContactMusicGUY RITCHIE's relationship with his girlfriend JACQUI AINSLEY is heating up - the model has moved in to the filmmaker's London home.The director, who spit from ex-wife Madonna in 2008, started dating Ainsley early last year (10) and Ritchie proved he... more info

Madonna Voted Top Solo Artist Of The Last 25 Years

5172 days ago
411 ManiaGreen Day's American Idiot named Best Album... more info

Who Was Voted The Best Solo Artist Of The Past 25 Years By Spin Magazine Readers???

5172 days ago
Perez HiltonAll right! This is what we like to see! Spin Magazine recently conducted a survey with 750,000 readers to determine what music was the best in the last 25 years, and we are LOVING the results! The queen herself, Madonna, was named the Best Solo Arti... more info

Madonna The Most Written-About Woman In The UK

5173 days ago
411 ManiaMadonna mentioned in print 46,000 times in the last decade... more info

Madonna Crowned Most Written-About Celebrity

5173 days ago
Perez HiltonCongrats!! Madonna has been crowned as Noughties' most written-about celebrity, getting at least 46,000 mentions in UK's print media since 2000. Wowsa! She beat out other top contenders such as Simon Cowell, Britney Spears, Michael Jackson, and David... more info

Lady Gaga reveals new album release date

5173 days ago
Guardian MusicSinger hits rock bottom with cover art for Born This Way, posting an image of her bare behind on Twitter Lady Gaga rang in the New Year by announcing her new album's release date – and by showing us her bum. At 12:01 am on New Year's Day, the pop s... more info

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