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Jennifer Hudson - Idol Stars Land Trading Cards

5837 days ago
ContactMusicJENNIFER HUDSON, SIMON COWELL and PAULA ABDUL are among a list of AMERICAN IDOL stars who will be immortalised on trading cards. U.S. reality TV bosses have signed a deal ... more info

American Idol: It Should've Been You, Sarver!

5838 days ago
DlistedJane Mancini was voted out of American Idol last night and it didn't feel right, because Sydney Andrews wasn't there in a wedding dress to throw her in a pool or something. That's what was missing. Jane (real name: Alexis Grace) was pu... more info

Wha?!!! American Idol Is Fixed?!

5839 days ago
DlistedSome bitch with a slippery tongue who works on American Idol is reportedly jumping around telling everyone and anyone the final 4 on the show have already been picked, picked and picked. The loud mouth says that Jane Mancini, Glittery McWentz, Lil&#... more info

Final Bows for Jorge and Jasmine on American Idol

5845 days ago
E! OnlineSomeone always has to go first. Though usually not after being cast off for good by Paula Abdul, Simon Cowell, Kara DioGuardi and Randy Jackson. The big American Idol twist... more info

Double Elimination on American Idol Leaves 11

5845 days ago
E! OnlineSomeone always has to go first. Though usually not after being cast off for good by Paula Abdul, Simon Cowell, Kara DioGuardi and Randy Jackson. The big American Idol twist... more info

TMZ TV Tonite -- T.M.I.

5845 days ago
TMZ Tonight on TMZ TV -- Paula Abdul divulges her bladder problem, Paul Rodriguez sizes up A-Rod's man parts, and Congressman Aaron Schock learns about Abraham Lincoln's abs. Check your local listings.... Permalink more info

American Idol: The One Where Paula Abdul Declares Everybody The Winner!

5846 days ago
DlistedI missed many of the slaughters (they call them performances) on American Idle last night, because I was in my kitchen madly trying to recreate the secret nectar that fills Paula Abdul's Coke cup. I'm guessing it's a mixture of NyQuil,... more info

"American Idol" Adds An X Factor [Idolator's American Idolatry]

5846 days ago
IdolatorLast night's American Idol opened the competition's not-quite-semifinal, not-quite-final round, with the 13 singers who were selected as this year's spotlighted contestants making their way through the songs of Michael Jackson. While Paula Abdul was ... more info

'American Idol' Recap: Adam Lambert, Lil Rounds, Danny Gokey Live Up To Hype

5846 days ago NewsThe top 13 try to put their stamp on Michael Jackson tunes.By Gil Kaufman Adam Lambert on "American Idol" on Tuesday Photo: Michael Becker/ Getty Images/ Fox There may have been a seizure-inducing new set with more flashing blue lights tha... more info

Paula Abdul -- Rush Rush ... to the Bathroom!

5846 days ago
TMZFiled under: American Idol, Nurse! Paula Abdul usually does a good job embarrassing herself on her own, but last night she had some help -- from a dude who told her he'd be picking up some "diarrhea medicine" for her on the way home. That's what fr... more info

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