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Southside Johnny's Extraordinary Grapefruit Moon

5982 days ago
A Deeper Shade of SoulEarlier this year, Scarlett Johansson released her album of Tom Waits covers, Anywhere I Lay My Head. It was awful – tuneless, emotionally one dimensional and utterly vacuous. Neither Johannsen’s vocals or Dave Sitek’s (of TV on... more info

TV on the Radio @ First Avenue 10/20/2008

5983 days ago
Culture Bullyphotos: Jon Behm (Official) (Wikipedia) (MySpace) Subscribe to Culture Bully Here Previously: TV on the Radio “Dear Science” Review more info

THE HUB: Thursday, October 23, 2008

5983 days ago
Culture BullyTwin Cities: — CB is giving away a pair of tickets to see Dressy Bessy & The Melismatics at The Whole tomorrow. The first person to email is going! — City Pages recaps Monday night’s TV on the Radio show at First Avenue. ... more info

The 11 Best Songs By The Dears

5985 days ago
The Good, The Bad and The UnknownI'm not sure what to think of the Dears. To me, the band has always had more potential than punch. Maybe it was because I always confused them with TV on the Radio...or maybe it's that I'm always waiting for them to deliver that knock-out album slath... more info

[MP3] Iran: "Buddy" (Feat. TVOTR's Kyp Malone)

5985 days ago
I Guess I'm FloatingForkcast featured a new song today from Iran, a band they know very little about, though they basically admitted they only care because TV on the Radio's Kyp Malone (pictured above with Iran frontman Mahmoud Ahmadinejad). And that's really the only ... more info

New Iran - "Buddy"

5985 days ago
StereogumThis "new" Iran track isn't new -- it's been floating around since the summer of '05 -- but it's good to see Aaron Aites finally officially followup his excellent second album, 2002's The Moon Boys. In May, I wrote about three new tracks streaming at... more info

TVOTR's Kyp Malone Preps New Releases With Iran

5985 days ago
PitchforkBoy, if your IP address ends up on the wrong sorta list 'cause of this one, don't say we didn't warn ya: Buddy, the new EP from noisemaking axis of goodness Iran-- featuring TV on the Radio's Kyp Malone, Return to Cookie Mountain contributor Aaron Ai... more info

Rock Pix: TV on the Radio, Patti Smith + More

5986 days ago
Spinner.comFiled under: Concerts and Tours, Rock This Week: TV on the Radio got the party started in Paris, Patti Smith sang at the Opera House Down Under, the Subways rocked Manchester and much more. Rock Pix: Live Concert Photo... more info

THE (MINI) HUB: Monday, October 20, 2008

5986 days ago
Culture BullyLocal Concert Highlights: — TV on the Radio @ First Avenue (8:00) (Official) (MySpace) (Wikipedia) — Ill Bill @ The Cabooze (7:00) (MySpace) (Wikipedia) Daily Audio Downloads: — Abrahammer “Sex Drugs Crunk” (mp3) (MySpace) — Big Quarters ... more info

Subtle Add Dates, Doseone Does Cool Stuff

5986 days ago
PitchforkWould that we were all as productive as Adam "Doseone" Drucker! The Subtle frontman recently touched base to lay out all his current and future projects, and, well, there's plenty to pore over. Let's break 'er down, shall we?To begin, Drucker is cook... more info

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