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PERFORMANCE/TOUR: TV on the Radio | 10.10.08 | Philadelphia

5988 days ago
All About JazzWords and Images by: Jake Krolick TV On The Radio :: 10.10.08 :: Electric Factory :: Philadelphia, PA TV on the Radio :: 10.10 :: Philly Many of you speak, listen and think about music as a religious experience. I myself am included in that group... more info

TV On The Radio | 10.10.08 | Philadelphia

5988 days ago
JamBaseWords & Images by: Jake Krolick TV On The Radio :: 10.10.08 :: Electric Factory :: Philadelphia, PA TV on the Radio :: 10.10 :: Philly Many of you speak, listen and think about music as a religious experience. I myself am included in that g... more info

TV on the Radio @ Brooklyn Masonic Temple, Wednesday, October 15th

5989 days ago
PopdoseThere are some bands whose godlike characteristics fade a bit in a live setting. Merely seeing that they’re human is enough. They have arms and legs and eyes and ears and a nose, just like you, they’re holding the instruments you’ve seen hundre... more info

Music Review | TV on the Radio: Roaring Sound With a Ripple Effect

5990 days ago
New York TimesThis band, which began a sold-out three-night stand at the Brooklyn Masonic Temple on Tuesday, might be gaining more clout as an influence, a group revered by others, than as a success of its own. more info


5994 days ago
New York PostThe title of TV on the Radio's newest CD, "Dear Science," represents a true (and rare) moment of actual irony in rock music. It was taken from an letter a few members of the band wrote to "science" - basically upbraiding the entire discipline for... more info

Listening Booth: TV on the Radio, “Dear Science”

5998 days ago
PopdoseFrom time to time, the price bands pay for innovation is the inability of music writers to accurately capture what they’re doing. It’s a strange irony that the bands most worthy of being written up are those that are hardest to write about. A wis... more info

TVOTR's Adebimpe Covers Neil Young on Rachel OST

5998 days ago
PitchforkFilm still via IMDB and Sony Pictures ClassicsRachel Getting Married, the Jonathan Demme-directed family drama we mentioned a while back that features a pretty hefty role for TV on the Radio singer and occasional actor Tunde Adebimpe, opened in limit... more info

TVOTR's Adebimpe, Mike Patton, Doseone Form Group

6000 days ago
PitchforkIt takes no time at all to pick out the vocal stylings of TV on the Radio's Tunde Adebimpe, Subtle's Adam "Doseone" Drucker, or Mike Patton of Peeping Tom/Faith No More/Tomahawk/I Am Legend/etc. Each is possessed with an inimitable set of pipes and a... more info

TV on the Radio on Later… with Jools Holland (part 2)

6000 days ago
TV on the Radio “Dancing Choose (09/30/2008)” (mp3) TV on the Radio - Official Site TV on the Radio - Wikipedia Site TV on the Radio - MySpace Site Subscribe to Culture Bully Here Previously: TV on the Radio “Dear Science” Review Prev... more info

TV on the Radio on Later… with Jools Holland (part 2)

6000 days ago
Culture BullyTV on the Radio “Dancing Choose (09/30/2008)” (mp3) TV on the Radio - Official Site TV on the Radio - Wikipedia Site TV on the Radio - MySpace Site Subscribe to Culture Bully Here Previously: TV on the Radio “Dear Science” Review Prev... more info

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