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Bon Jovi, Patti Smith, Cold War Kids, and More On Sale

5632 days ago
Big Apple Music SceneOn sale now: A third Passion Pit show has been added at Terminal 5 after the first two sold out. This one is on January 10. Tickets Rural Alberta Advantage, who are opening for Passion Pit at their January 8 show, have a show at Mercury Lounge on Ja... more info

Rural Alberta Advantage tour dates (Mercury & Maxwell's)

5634 days ago
Brooklyn VeganThe Rural Alberta Advantage @ Bowery Ballroom (more by Oren Loloi) The Rural Alberta Advantage will back in the NYC-area in January to play at least three shows. On January 8th they open for Passion Pit at Terminal 5, one... more info

The Rural Alberta Advantage Set Dates with Fall/Winter

5635 days ago
Pitchfork - Tours11-11 Hamilton, Ontario - Casbah11-12 Ottawa, Ontario - Zaphods11-14 Kingston, Ontario - Grad Club11-15 Peterborough, Ontario - Red Dog11-18 Montreal, Quebec - Club Lambi11-19 Montreal, Quebec - Cabaret Juste Pour Rire / M For Montreal11-20 Toronto, ... more info

The Rural Alberta Advantage played Bowery w/ The Lovely Feathers (pics) -- tix on sale for Terminal 5 w/ Passion Pit

5653 days ago
Brooklyn Veganphotos by Oren Loloi "Last, but in no way least, was Rural Alberta Advantage, who played their last NYC show of 2009. If you can believe it, the trio's percussive elements are highlighted even more live than on their smash... more info

Passion Pit playing Terminal 5 w/ Rural Alberta Advantage who headline Bowery on Wednesday - 2009 Tour Dates

5656 days ago
Brooklyn VeganPassion Pit @ Central Park Summerstage (gohingplaces) "This whole summer - the past three months - have been all festivals," said Passion Pit bassist Jeff Apruzzese. "So I feel like I'm finally getting used to it and now it's over."... more info

Shorties (Haruki Murakami, The Rural Alberta Advantage, and more)

5666 days ago
LargeHeartedBoyThe Mainichi Daily News interviews author Haruki Murakami. The Rural Alberta Advantage visits The Current studio for an interview and live performance. The Atlanta Journal-Constitution profiles singer-songwriter Steve Wynn. The Arizona Republic inter... more info

Advantage Anna! Ms Kournikova sends boyfriend Enrique into a spin with a little black dress

5667 days ago
The Daily MailAdvantage Anna! Ms Kournikova sends boyfriend Enrique into a spin with a little black dress more info

Help Name a Rural Alberta Advantage Song

5678 days ago
Radio ExileThis great news comes to us from our friends at 17dots (the links contains an interview w/ the band and them performing the new track) : “An exciting announcement today from our good friends and eMusic Selects alumni the Rural Alberta Advantage. Th... more info

Rural Alberta Continue To Be Awesome, New Dates, Live Tracks

5696 days ago
Radio ExileShawn and I were sitting at a table in Brooklyn’s Littlefield (site of this weekend’s After The Jump Fest!) the other day when the topic of album of the year came up. I told him it was hands down the Rural Alberta Advantage. He said no. He sai... more info

Interview with Nils Edenloff of the Rural Alberta Advantage

5698 days ago
Culture BullyIn today’s indie music scene business models (complete with market strategy and web-based 2.0 marketing concepts) have seemingly prevailed as the dominant means of becoming successful. Granted, for a band to succeed they should understand that... more info

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