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Tilts (mem Torche) releasing a new LP, touring, playing NYC w/ States & Kingdoms & The Brought Low (dates, streams)

3930 days ago
Brooklyn Veganby Ian Chainey St. Louis' Tilts, the sorta stonery/sorta power poppy/definitely rocking quartet featuring Andrew Elstner of Torche and Riddle of Steel, funded their second record through Kickstarter last month. Titled Cuatro Hombres, the album is set... more info

Lo-Pan & Suplecs going on tour, playing Union Pool w/ The Brought Low (dates)

4930 days ago
Brooklyn Veganby BBG Lo-Pan Lo-Pan's new riffy stoner rock LP Salvador, out NOW on Small Stone Records, is one hell of a triumph. Check out "Seed" from Salvador streaming below. The band will hit the road for a victory lap around... more info

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