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5886 days ago
The Vinyl VillainFriday is normally the day that I post one of the solo singles released by Morrissey, but this week I'm trying to offer up something that is a little bit more rare.The Smiths had made their chart breakthrough in early November 1983 when This Charming... more info

Morrissey surprises fans with unexpected tracks for the "Jimmy Kimmel Live" taping this eve

5886 days ago
The Red RadioHoly F**K!Reports from the Jimmy Kimmel Live taping are flowing in:According to Morrissey Solo and a few fans that attended, Morrissey actually played The Smiths classic This Charming Man. Just as crazy, he played Best Friend On The Payroll from... more info

the first friday batch of updates

5886 days ago
Totally FuzzyZoooma!! said...· Grateful Dead -- 4/25/77· Capitol Theatre, Passaic, New Jerseyhttp://musicneverstopped.blogspot.commichaelDUSTdevil said...MALCOLM MIDDLETON - A Brighter BeatNOSEFLUTES - The Ravers 12"THE VELVET UNDERGROUND - 1969: Velvet Und... more info

Morrissey's naked pictures: the latest sign of artistic decline?

5888 days ago
Guardian MusicBecause he is the type of man, like Ross Kemp, say, or Bob Hoskins, who gets physically hotter with age, the flurry of Facebook updates informing me of a naked Morrissey photoshoot was too irresistible not to waste five minutes Google-imaging. The pi... more info

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