Morrissey's naked pictures: the latest sign of artistic decline?
Because he is the type of man, like Ross Kemp, say, or Bob Hoskins, who gets physically hotter with age, the flurry of Facebook updates informing me of a naked Morrissey photoshoot was too irresistible not to waste five minutes Google-imaging. The picture is of Morrissey and band with just a seven-inch record covering their modesty, shot for the inner-sleeve – who knew they still existed? – of his muscular new single, I'm Throwing My Arms Around Paris. Frankly, it is ghastly. It lo...
Guardian Music — Because he is the type of man, like Ross Kemp, say, or Bob Hoskins, who gets physically hotter with age, the flurry of Facebook updates informing me of a naked Morrissey ... more info
The Red Radio — Morrissey graces the cover of Filter Magazine next week. Prepare to hit your local newsstand to pick it up. Beneath the cover lies a brand new interview and brand new pho... more info