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Faves of the Faves - June 2018: The Action, Talkies, EUT, Burning House, Shy Boys, Elsa Lester, The Smittens, Mikey Collins, Mozes and the Firstborn, J.F.K, ORB, Drawing Boards, Doug Tuttle, Tony Molina, Tape Waves

2460 days ago
PowerpopulistBehold and behear our favorite musical discoveries of the month indicated in the postititle.  Playmoss chose not to include artist names for several songs, so here they are: #4 - Burning House - Peach #7 - The Smittens - Corduroy #10 - J.F.K -... more info

Darren Hayman (Hefner) playing first NYC show in 15 years, with The Smittens and Pale Lights (who have new records)

3914 days ago
Brooklyn Veganby Bill Pearis Darren Hayman UK singer/songwriter Darren Hayman spent much of the '90s in cult indie band Hefner where his literate takes on romance (and warbly vocal style) played like a Mike Leigh movie. After a string of singles,... more info

Love Is All :: “Kungen”

5559 days ago
The Yellow StereoPitchfork has the latest on Love Is All’s third album titled Two Thousand and Ten Injuries which now finds the Swedes on new label Polyvinyl. It’s currently set to be released on March 23, with complete details in the previous link from Pitchfor... more info

[Video] The Smittens: "One Hundred Roses"

5759 days ago
I Guess I'm FloatingIt's somewhat easy relating to the television show America's Funniest Home Videos, at least how Bob Saget described it. Sorting through the inbox often returns some wild and crazy things, much of which simply lands in File 13. However, it's Friday ... more info

The Smittens: The Coolest Thing About Love (Capsule Reviews)

5914 days ago
Pop MattersThe Smittens win 2008's indie pop darlings award. more info

How Does CMJ Choose Which Bands Get In? An Idolator Special Report [Idolator Goes To Cmj]

5999 days ago
IdolatorJust yesterday, intrepid reporter Kate Richardson asked a very pertinent question about CMJ 2008: "Who are all these bands?" Up until very recently, I worked as a publicist for an indie PR firm, and I know a ton of small acts because of it. Some I ... more info

The Smittens :: The Coolest Thing About Love

6043 days ago
The Yellow StereoThis is less a Popfest post and more of chance for me to gush a bit about The Smittens’ recently released and brilliantly titled record called The Coolest Thing About Love.  Seriously, how can you not love that album name?!  I only had a brie... more info

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