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The Horrors - Primary Colours

5819 days ago
8/18.5/1070'ler, 80,90'lar ellerinde piç olmuÅŸ. 2000'lere en demir geçiÅŸlerle eklemlemiÅŸler. The Horrors imaj mı, yanılsa mı diyalektiÄŸini yok ediyor. MaÅŸallah. Portishead adamı Geoff Barrow'un prodüktörlüğÃ... more info

Whose Story Should Be Overly Dramatized on the New Season of "Behind the Music"? [I Really Love The Cliffhanger Bits Before Commercial Breaks]

5832 days ago
Idolator VH1's "Behind the Music" is coming back: The network has ordered 10 new episodes of the iconic show which originally ran from 1997 to 2006. Knowing not to mess with a good thing, the format will not change much, and Jim Forbes will be back as the sl... more info

Songs about rockets and reinventions

5841 days ago
Guardian MusicThis week's batch of tunes finds Iggy Pop and Katy Perry reimagining themselves again, while Snow Patrol's Gary Lightbody straps himself to a Saturn V and heads for the starsHatcham Social – Murder in the Dark The Velvet Underground? Echo and ... more info

Esquire Wants You To Listen To These Albums (If You're A Dude) [Manly Music For Males]

5841 days ago
IdolatorHey, it's a list! Let's argue about it? Esquire has published an "unranked, incomplete, yet highly tasteful and informative" rundown of 75 long-players that "every man should own" with the usual bite-sized commentary the magazine devotes to these sor... more info

Dumb Bitch Of The Day!

5848 days ago
DlistedIt's not even noon and we've already got ourselves a grade A dumb motherfucker here. Actually, a bunch of you sent this mess to me last night, but I couldn't let it fuck with my buzz. I filed it under "not today" and kept on buzzing, b... more info

Italy's Afterhours Set U.S. Tour

5853 days ago
JamBaseItaly's top alternative rock band (and Greg Dulli collaborators) AFTERHOURS plays U.S. dates Afterhours Seminal Italian alternative rock outfit Afterhours return to North America (their last U.S. dates coincided with the Presidential election - th... more info

Why I judge albums by their covers

5854 days ago
Guardian MusicIt's not big or clever, and it made me a Pink Floyd fan, but I still buy albums on the strength of their artworkThe peasants are doing what peasants do - lighting candles for the Devil, bringing a basket of light into the day, filling the well after ... more info

Suggested Listening: Lissy Trullie

5860 days ago
Pasta Primavera Some nights I long for that dank club with the lights turned low.  You know the one.  No neon.  No flat screens.  No elbow room.  Just neighbors.  Just a spot.  What music would there be?  Well right now I’d love for it t... more info

more sunday evening updates

5864 days ago
Totally FuzzyRedtelephone66 said...Various Artists "CTV's After Four" (1968 Lp)http://redtelephone66.blogspot.comThe Grumpy Philosopher said...URL: http://jeastoonlife.blogspot.comThe Mix:1. "Pied Piper," Run-DMC, Raising Hell2. "Raising the Flag," X Clan, To the... more info

Will The Blink-182 Reunion Change The World?

5868 days ago NewsRevisiting the trio makes our rock writer feel like a fan again, in Bigger Than the Sound. By James Montgomery Blink-182 in 2003 Photo: Brian Appio I will be the first to admit that I am irrationally excited about the possibilities of a Bl... more info

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