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the first batch of wednesday updates

5868 days ago
Totally FuzzyIMI said...J. Geils Band: Love Stinksenjoy!http://idlemindsinc.blogspot.comAzbest said...Betrayer "Calamity"Older Stuff: Ścianka, "Cały ten Yass!", Morbid Angel, Naked Cityhttp://proskynesis.blogspot.comspacedsaviour said...quicksilver messeng... more info

the first friday batch of updates

5873 days ago
Totally FuzzyZoooma!! said...· Grateful Dead -- 4/25/77· Capitol Theatre, Passaic, New Jerseyhttp://musicneverstopped.blogspot.commichaelDUSTdevil said...MALCOLM MIDDLETON - A Brighter BeatNOSEFLUTES - The Ravers 12"THE VELVET UNDERGROUND - 1969: Velvet Und... more info

The Black Keys have reignited the spirit of the blues

5875 days ago
Guardian MusicFor the past couple of years I have been delving into the work of the Black Keys, the Akron, Ohio duo whose back catalogue is pure rock'n'roll goodness. I'm pleased to report that lead singer and guitarist Dan Auerbach's forthcoming album Keep It Hid... more info

wednesday morning updates

5875 days ago
Totally FuzzySir Charlie Palmer said...Red Apple Falls – Smog Soul Folk In Action – The Staple Singers http://sircharliepalmer.blogspot.comCTV said...Starting a new series on songs about the inequities of love, starting with a post on how LOVE SUCKS... more info


5881 days ago
Said the Gramophone Doug Randle - "Coloured Plastics". What seems at first like a jingle is in fact a wistful complaint, or rather it's a jingle for post-industrial angst; a psych-pop ditty that sounds as good now as it must have in 1971, warm & catchy & spry. Listeni... more info

Leopold and His Fiction:
Ain't No Surprise

5881 days ago
JamBaseBy: Dennis Cook First off, it's always swell when no one in a band is named the same as their band; I call this a "Jacob Fred" for short. Secondly, having a "band" that consists of one multi-tasking dude and one other guy BUT still giving that "b... more info

The Soft Pack

5884 days ago
3hiveAfter seeing the Ettes last Thursday night (awesome show!), I had a host of events, and my own laziness, prevent me from catching the Raveonettes and the Soft Pack Friday night. Formerly known as the Muslims, the Soft Pack has a wonderful cover of Sp... more info

The Soft Pack

5884 days ago
3hiveAfter seeing the Ettes last Thursday night (awesome show!), I had a host of events, and my own laziness, prevent me from catching the Raveonettes and the Soft Pack Friday night. Formerly known as the Muslims, the Soft Pack has a wonderful cover of Sp... more info

friday evening updates

5887 days ago
Totally FuzzyG said... SAM COOKE - BRING IT ON HOME TO ME CARLA THOMAS - I'LL BRING IT ON HOME TO YOU marramua said... The Velvet Underground - The Velvet Underground (1969)... [Visit the blog for the full post] more info

The Walkmen :: The AD Interview

5910 days ago
Aquarium DrunkardHappy New Year.  In case you missed it, The Walkmen’s album You & Me was one of our favorite LPs of 2008.  As the year closes out we caught up with Walter Martin to discuss, among other things, the critical reaction to the band’s previous ... more info

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