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New Music To Delight Your Ears - Gris-de-Lin

2607 days ago
The Devil Has The Best TunaGris-de-LinFrom: Bridport, Dorset, EnglandAfter the rowdy garage punk of Towers of London and Abdomen earlier this week tonight we're mellowing out to the intricate folk sounds of Dorset based multi-instrumentalist Gris-de-Lin. Gris was first fea... more info

New Music To Delight Your Ears - Towers of London

2609 days ago
The Devil Has The Best TunaTowers of LondonFrom: London, EnglandNew Cross legends Towers of London, who stormed back late last year with their boisterous single Shot in the Dark (featured on the Devil's Weekend Mix in December, Weekend Mix 9th December 2017), have announc... more info

saturday noon updates

5229 days ago
Totally FuzzyBruxa do Vinil said... V.A. - Os 7 Velhinhos (1961) Ana Maria Brandão - Interpreta Sinhô (1978) V.A.- Custódio Mesquita, Prazer em Conhecê-lo (1986 ) Amelinha - Caminho do sol (1985) Benito di Paula - Quadrafônico (1975) Only Vinyl at: http://a... more info

Punks, what's your problem? The 100 Club was past its prime

5297 days ago
Guardian MusicThat London could lose another live venue is sad news. But the 100 Club has not been the home of new music for yearsLast week saw music fans despairing at the news that London's historic 100 Club venue on Oxford Street was facing closure.Could it rea... more info

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