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As It Is + 22 More Bands Have Been Added To The 2000 Trees Line-Up

2097 days ago
Rock Sound2000 Trees is really set to be huge this year. 2000 Trees have added 23 more bands to their 2019 line-up today - with As It Is leading the announcement. As It Is will be bringing their patented brand of pop-punk to the 2000 Trees main stage on... more info

Vukovi Have Announced Their Debut Album

2887 days ago
Rock SoundIt's nearly here. Vukovi have announced their self-titled debut album. It's released March 10 via LAB records, and this song will feature on there. If you're frightened of snakes, look away now... Yikes. Here's the trackl... more info

Kimekai "Le Loyon"

3841 days ago
XLR8RSaid to be "ideal for both solo midnight walks and road trips to the beach," Coral Dreams is the debut release from Croatian producer Marko Vuković, who operates under the name Kimekai. Pulled from the 21-year-old artist's upcoming record is "L... more info

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