Rolling Stone — Photograph by Jason Bergman for
On the first U.S. date of Weezer’s “Troublemaker” tour, the sold out crowd at the Tsongas Arena in Lowell, Massachusetts was able to observe two of the many bands the headliners have begat. The h... more info
Pop Candy — Good morning, friends! I have to tell you, I am SO HAPPY new TV has returned. Last night I stayed home and basked in the glow of Heroes, How I Met Your Mother, Big Bang Theory, Army Wives (yeah, laugh... more info
Rolling Stone — The slow segue from CD to MP3 took a giant step forward today when it was announced that SanDisk had reached a deal with all four major labels to begin selling memory card albums of both new acts and classic artists. The one-gig Micro SD cards will m... more info
Paste Magazine — Weezer drummer Pat Wilson recently
Billboard that once the band finishes up its North American tour in late October, it will head directly into the studio to record its seventh album. more info
Guardian Music — In the tradition of 1994's Weezer, 2001's Weezer, and 2008's Weezer, the US geek rockers will be calling their next record, er, Weezer. But which colour will it be this time? more info — *Weezer* ( will go ( into the studio this November with producer Garrett Lee to work on their new album. more info — Filed under: News, Weezer haven't even launched their tour in support of the 'Red Album' (officially, their third eponymous disc), and already they're planning their next release. Drummer Pat Wilson told Billboard that the band pla... more info
Silent Uproar — Drummer Pat Wilson told Billboard Weezer plans to hit the studio again in November to work on the follow-up to Weezer (aka The Red Album). more info