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wednesday afternoon updates

5107 days ago
Totally FuzzyFour Steps From The Blues said... "As long as there's people there's gonna be blues. Because if I had a good woman and she walked off and left me, I'd have the blues so bad I couldn't sleep" Today Four Steps looks at the work of CeDell Davis, a uniqu... more info

Zucchero Is Coming To Australia

5898 days ago
Undercover, AustraliaItalian superstar Zucchero is about to step foot in Australia for the very first time. more info

Zucchero to perform tonight in Detroit

5928 days ago
Detroit Free PressZUCCHERO: This 52-year-old Italian, born Adelmo Fornaciari, has sold millions in Europe, gave Andrea Bocelli his music industry break and worked with a who's who of musical stars. But the veteran pop-bluesman remains little known on this side of... more info

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