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Catching Up With Devendra Banhart

550 days ago
Aquarium DrunkardWe caught up with Devendra Banhart to discuss his 11th album, Flying Wig, his artistic partnership with Cate Le Bon, his 20-year-delayed concert in Caracas, and the music that, now as ever, he is bubbling over with enthusiasm for. We also explore â€... more info

STN's top 40 albums of the year 2019

1930 days ago
Sweeping The NationWell, here we go again. Another tumultuous year has passed and passed on a series of albums which we've listened to, admired and eventually ranked. As always, direct from band/label buying links where applicable. 40 Haiku Salut - The General39 Go... more info

40 From 40 Plus 10: 2013

1953 days ago
Sweeping The NationOnwards in our survey of our favourite stuff that tells the story, or at least a hyper-specific version of it, of each year of the decade just finishing. 2013, then. It doesn't feel like it, either now or reading the contemporary view, but it was... more info

Whitney – “Far, Far Away” (Wilco Cover)

1957 days ago
StereogumLet's keep these Wilco covers coming! A 13-track Yankee Hotel Foxtrot tribute emerged this past summer, and then another whole album of all-star reinterpretations, Wilco Covered, was distributed with the November issue of UK music mag Uncut. Thus fa... more info

Twin Peaks – “Spiders (Kidsmoke)” (Wilco Cover)

1964 days ago
StereogumThe Wilco tribute album Wilco Covered was released on CD with the November issue of Uncut, and only one of its songs was released digitally: Cate Le Bon's album-opening rework of "Company In My Back." Hopefully many more of those covers will be worki... more info

Deerhunter – “Timebends”

1979 days ago
StereogumAt the beginning of the year, Deerhunter released their new album Why Hasn't Everything Already Disappeared? Tomorrow, Deerhunter frontman Bradford Cox is releasing the collaborative EP Myths 004 with Welsh singer-songwriter (and Why Hasn't Every... more info

Deerhunter’s Bradford Cox and Cate Le Bon announce new collaborative EP, share “Secretary”: Stream

2016 days ago
Consequence of SoundMyths 004 hits shelves in November. Deerhunter’s Bradford Cox and Cate Le Bon announce new collaborative EP, share “Secretary”: Stream Lake Schatz more info

Cate Le Bon & Bradford Cox – “Secretary”

2016 days ago
StereogumThe Welsh singer-songwriter Cate Le Bon released her excellent album Reward this year, and that's only one of the great 2019 records she's been involved with. Le Bon also co-produced Deerhunter's most recent album Why Hasn't Everything Already Dis... more info

Wilco Announces ‘Wilco Covered’ Tribute Album & Shares Cate Le Bon’s ‘Company In My Back’

2027 days ago
JamBaseA new compilation featuring 17 new Wilco covers featuring Kurt Vile, Courtney Barnett, Ryley Walker and more dubbed 'Wilco Covered' accompanies Uncut Magazine's November 2019 issue. Wilco previewed the set by sharing Cate Le Bon's cover of "Company I... more info

Cate Le Bon – “Company In My Back” (Wilco Cover)

2027 days ago
StereogumWilco is getting a covers album treatment ahead of the Chicago band's new album, Ode To Joy , which comes out in a few weeks. Wilco Covered will be available with the November issue of Uncut magazine, and it features covers of Wilco songs by Kurt Vi... more info

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